What to Expect From Professional Pest Trapping and Control


As a homeowner, nobody expects you to have patience for pests or handle them on your own and most of the time, you shouldn’t. Just the existence of pests can be damaging to the home and your health and professional pest control services utilise a handful of methods intended to rid your home of then completely.

Humane Trapping

Trapping is typically used for control of all of the following pests:

  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Squirrels
  • Moles

Humane trapping methods are designed to accommodate homeowners who prefer these methods or disagree with the use of chemicals or the killing of pests but also for pest situations where more extreme measures simply aren’t necessary. You can find affordable pest control services in West Bromich capable of assessing the situation and following through with the most appropriate route.

More serious situations may, of course, demand a more serious removal tactic.

Pesticides, Insecticides, and Rodenticides

Chemical-based removal strategies are often only reserved for insects.

  • Wasps
  • Bed bugs
  • Cockroaches
  • Fleas
  • Ants

Your pest control technicians typically use chemicals or powders to contain these pests simply because these methods are the most effective. Chemicals may also be used for severe infestations of mice or rats, for example, but you can rest assured that any and all chemicals are environmentally friendly and aren’t harmful to other species.

The ultimate goal is to protect your home and professional pest control services intend to make this happen with the most agreeable methods. To prevent further damages or infestation growth, you should call as soon as possible.